Monday, January 18, 2016

Chakra Healing and Musical Notes

Energy is everywhere, and in everything there is energy.  We have centers in our body that are the conductors for this energy.  In Yogic tradition, these energy centers are called Chakras (to know about chakras refer Human Chakra System and Music or watch this video). When these energy centers are healthy and open, we feel physically, emotionally fit and maintain our relationships. But when they are blocked through injury, illness, or disconnection from others, we are blocked from being our best selves. Chakras both take up and collect prana (life force energy) and transform and pass on energy. Our material bodies could not exist without them because they serve as gateways for the flow of energy and life into our physical bodies. The openness and flow of energy through our chakras determines our state of health and balance.

For humans, keeping our chakra frequencies balanced and in harmony is essential in order for us to function properly. When our chakra frequencies are in harmony, we feel connected with ourselves as well as others. When we are “out of tune” and our chakra’s are off balance, many problems can arise. A researcher in Minnesota discovered that agricultural plants grow at an amazing rate when they are exposed to the sound of the sitar. Just like the plants being stimulated by the frequency of the sitar, we can stimulate each chakra individually by listening to its own special frequency. Incorporating the use of chakra frequency is the most direct form of chakra balancing and stimulation.

Sound and color  both are characterized by frequencies. Both of them can be used as the energy techniques for balancing and aligning the chakras, thus making them therapy tools. Let us now discuss the correlation of chakras with sound and color.

Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakra:

In 1974, Dr. Joseph Puleo rediscovered very ancient frequencies known as Solfeggio frequencies. Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony. Solfeggio frequencies can assist the energy channels to stay open and keep the life force flowing freely through the chakra system.

Each of the Solfeggio frequencies correspond directly to the major chakras. Each tone contains the exact frequency to balance our energy, and the sound of each frequency reinforces the balance required by each chakra to maintain perfect energetic balance.

Rainbow Colors, Musical Notes and Chakras:

In the year 1970, Christopher Hill gave the version of Rainbow colors of the chakras. Each of the seven chakras has a corresponding color that follows the color of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet with the respective vibration. This is the most widely accepted color system for the chakras. The color of a chakra indicates the current physical, emotional, and spiritual state.

Color is a wave travelling through space. Depending on the wavelength, the space between the peaks - measured in nanometers nm, our eyes register different colors.

Sine Wave is the measurement of energy, used to depict frequency, vibration, and waves. It is a waveform, a single frequency repeated indefinitely in time. 

Here, the root chakra is vibrating at a frequency within the 400-480 THz range, the sacral chakra within the 480-510 THz range and so on. Within these frequencies, each color contains information on several different levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, playing important part in chakra balancing and chakra healing.

Isaac Newton has associated the seven solfège syllables with the seven colors of the rainbow and surmised that each color vibrated accordingly.

Audible frequencies are from 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz. The basis of the logic for pitch/color connections as follows:

Note: To convert the middle audio octave to color frequency, first raise the note frequency 40 octaves ,i.e., Frequency * 2^40

It is clear from the above table that Color frequency interval is nothing but the frequency interval of the chakras and the frequencies that can be used to heal the chakras must fall in the interval of the respective chakra frequency interval.

Thus, the 7 main chakras of the body have their own sound frequencies from the keynote C to B. Music plays vital role to open all the major chakras from the Root to Crown, continually receiving the energies from the earth and .universe.


  1. Hi Rishima Bahadoorsingh, I think this post of mine answers your question in my previous post regarding western notes and chakra relationship.

  2. Hi Anita!
    I absolutely love your article. I was wondering if I could have permission to use your tables for teaching & education purposes. Let me know :)

    1. Hi Melanie, I apologize for the delay in reply. Yes, you may use the table for teaching and education purposes

  3. We do voice scan and tell you which frequencyor color is missing in your voice
    interested people can email us :

  4. Wow...I have never heard of this. I am very interested, what is the cost of this service?

  5. Love the article and the contents. I enjoyed reading through , although the chart showing the keynote resonating with respective chakras a bit of confusion to me!
    As I know from my little understanding the 7 chakras are in order as western musical scale B,A,G,F,E,D,C which seems to differ as shown on the table. Is it we have two different systems of measuring that resonates with respective chakras?
